Change For Better is a book that brings behavioural science out of the academic halls and supermarket aisles and makes it relevant to practitioners promoting social good through charitable fundraising.
In 17 terrific chapters, 21 leading fundraisers from 10 countries - marketeers, researchers, neuroscientists, management consultants, and behavioural scientists- share their ideas and insight to transform fundraising.
Our Co-founder, Crawford contributed TWO CHAPTERS based on some fascinating challenges that TBA worked on:
The first - TBA’s work with the Big Issue:
- The challenge: The Big Issue magazine was set up to offer people ‘a hand up, not a hand-out’, however, research shows that 80% of people who pay for the magazine don’t take it, which undermines the magazine’s purpose.
- TBA identified the key behavioural drivers and developed targeted nudges to change this behaviour.
The second - TBA’s work with ACFID (Australian Council for International Development):
- The challenge: ACFID wanted to reduce the number of unrequested goods sent by individual donors during times of humanitarian crisis. For context, after a natural disaster, most people donate physical goods rather than cash. However, this obstructs supply chains and often end up in landfill, causing more harm than good.
- TBA identified what drives donation behaviour and tested four nudges to change this behaviour.
The book will be launched at 15:00 (BST) on September 29th and all proceeds will go directly to Médecins Sans Frontières (Doctors Without Borders) to support their vital humanitarian work!
This is a book you must have open on your desk as you prepare for your next campaign!
Preorder your signed copy here or purchase from Amazon and other booksellers from September 29th.