The brainchild of our collaboration with The National Consortium of Intelligent Medical Imaging (NCIMI) is out now!
This published report Seven Strategies for Success: For supporting adoption and deployment of Artificial Intelligence in Medical Diagnostics outlines the barriers in healthcare professionals (HCPs) adopting AI in their practice and explores their attitudes, motivations and behaviours in relation to the use of AI in medical diagnostics.
Out of these insights, we developed Seven Strategies for Success which represent strategic considerations grounded in Behavioural Science that can help foster support for AI in diagnostics within the NHS:
- Increase visibility of AI in action
- Ground it in HCP’s reality - make it relevant and relatable
- Make it social
- Be mindful of how the NHS is framed
- Position AI as a decision aid - Framing AI as a tool which supports and empowers clinical decision making
- Speak to the heart (not just the head) - Leverage the power of real human stories
- Establish commitment to the cause
Check the report out here.