Developing a strategy for Swim England to get more people swimming Developing a strategy for Swim England to get more people swimming

Developing a strategy for Swim England to get more people swimming

How can we motivate, nudge and steer more people in England to go swimming and make it a habit?


Behaviour Change
United Kingdom

TBA Approach.

  1. Immersed in existing knowledge through BeSci lens and collaboratively developed hypotheses to explore.

  2. Explored hypotheses in-context with different audience segments e.g. describing imagined swimming experiences and plotting swimming memories over time before local pool visits comparing perceptions with reality.

  3. Co-creation workshops combining stakeholders, swimming operators and current / potential swimmers.

  4. Activation workshop with stakeholders and partners.

Behavioural Insights, Interventions & Impact.

  1. Identified key contextual consumer behavioural challenges including unhelpful anchors and weak habit loops.

  2. Organised challenges into a three step strategic change process for the our client and industry partners to grow participation in swimming.

  3. Provided direction and inspiration to increase visibility & relevance of swimming, improve the environment and tailor offers to different motivations and ability levels.

  4. The project led to Sport England’s investing in the highly successful Swim Local Pilots. And secured heavy investment in facilities e.g. pools and infra-structure throughout England.

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