Response rates to direct mail can be notoriously low. Our client wanted to understand how we could use behavioural science to increase response rates for their direct mail communications
Hosted a behavioural hypotheses workshop to identify potential barriers and triggers.
Consumer self-ethnography to explore the in-context consumer journey from reminder letter to appointment.
Client co-creation workshop to design behavioural intervention.
Tested behaviour change ideas using field experiments to evaluate effectiveness.
Our insights showed that constant reminder letters can actually reinforce customer procrastination. Overcoming this procrastination was key!
We created a series of behavioural interventions which leveraged implementation intentions / commitment bias and authority bias
e.g. including a post-it note with a number to call the optician
The various interventions where tested quantitatively and then the most effective were rolled out. The changes had a multi-million pound impact on our client’s bottom line.